Packages tagged combinators

24 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (24), bsd3 (14), control (8), mit (8), arrows (4), data (4), functions (4), program (4), utility (4), deprecated (3), composition (2), json (2), polymorphism (2), apache (1), aws (1), cloud (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
DeepArrow370.03Arrows for "deep application" (bsd3, combinators, control, library)2013-08-130.4.0ConalElliott
JSON-Combinator (deprecated in favor of lens)460.02A combinator library on top of a generalised JSON type (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, json, library)2011-04-030.2.8TonyMorris
JSON-Combinator-Examples (deprecated in favor of lens)40.01Example uses of the JSON-Combinator library. (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, library)2010-12-200.0.1TonyMorris
MapWith130.00mapWith: like fmap, but with additional parameters (isFirst, isLast, etc). (bsd3, combinators, library)2020-08-
arrow-utils200.00functions for working with arrows (arrows, bsd3, combinators, control, library)2024-11-110.1.2miguel_negrao
data-aviary260.02Combinator birds. (bsd3, combinators, library)2013-04-240.4.0StephenTetley
data-emoticons50.01Combinator emoticons: data-aviary in the flavor of emoticons (bsd3, combinators, library)2017-04-230.1.0lbq
flow1582.510Write more understandable Haskell. (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2025-02-
flow-er90.01More directional operators (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2016-06-131.0.3expede
functional-arrow40.02Combinators that allow for a more functional/monadic style of Arrow programming (bsd3, combinators, library)2010-09-260.0HenningThielemann
op110.00Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading (apache, combinators, control, functions, library, utility)2019-12-
overhang72.251Hang loose with your lambdas! (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)2018-02-021.0.0jship
pattern-arrows282.02Arrows for Pretty Printing (combinators, library, mit, pretty-printer, text)2014-03-290.0.2PhilFreeman
pointless-fun260.03Some common point-free combinators. (bsd3, combinators, composition, library, utils)2021-10-, WrenRomano
porcupine-core52.02Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines (arrows, combinators, control, data, json, library, mit, numerical, pipes, program, streaming)2019-10-
porcupine-http40.00A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks (arrows, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program, web)2019-10-
porcupine-s330.00A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks (arrows, aws, cloud, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program)2019-10-
predicates60.04A couple of convenience functions for forming predicates. (bsd3, combinators, library)2009-01-230.1GeorgePollard
prelude-extras (deprecated in favor of base, transformers-compat)450.08Higher order versions of Prelude classes (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, library, polymorphism)2016-01-, EricMertens
reader-soup130.03Vinyl-based reader-like monad composition (combinators, control, library, mit)2019-10-
reverse-apply120.03Standard version of the reverse apply operator. (bsd3, combinators, composition, library)2014-04-172.0.1HansHoglund
scc760.01Streaming component combinators (combinators, concurrency, control, library, program)2024-06-050.8.4MarioBlazevic
sec50.01Semantic Editor Combinators. (bsd3, combinators, data, library)2010-03-300.0.1SteffenSiering
syb-extras312.02Higher order versions of the Scrap Your Boilerplate classes (bsd3, combinators, generic, library, polymorphism)2013-11-250.3EdwardKmett