hamlet: Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked
Hamlet gives you a type-safe tool for generating HTML code. It works via Quasi-Quoting, and generating extremely efficient output code. The syntax is white-space sensitive, and it helps you avoid cross-site scripting issues and 404 errors. Please see the documentation at http://docs.yesodweb.com/hamlet/ for more details.
As a quick overview, here is a sample Hamlet template:
!!! %html %head %title Hamlet Demo %body %h1 Information on $name.person$ %p $*name.person$ is $age.person$ years old. %h2 $if isMarried.person Married $else Not married %ul $forall children.person child %li $child$ %p %a!href=@page.person@ See the page. ^footer^
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
buildtests | Build the executable to run unit tests | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- hamlet-0.2.3.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (revised from the package)
Note: This package has metadata revisions in the cabal description newer than included in the tarball. To unpack the package including the revisions, use 'cabal get'.
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