Applicative option parser
This package contains utilities and combinators to define command line option

Getting started
Here is a simple example of an applicative option parser:
data Sample = Sample
{ hello :: String
, quiet :: Bool }
sample :: Parser Sample
sample = Sample
<$> strOption
( long "hello"
& metavar "TARGET"
& help "Target for the greeting" )
<*> switch
( long "quiet"
& help "Whether to be quiet" )
The parser is built using applicative style starting from a set
of basic combinators. In this example, hello
is defined as an option with a
argument, while quiet
is a boolean flag (called switch
A parser can be used like this:
greet :: Sample -> IO ()
greet (Sample h False) = putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ h
greet _ = return ()
main :: IO ()
main = execParser opts >>= greet
opts = info (helper <*> sample)
( fullDesc
& progDesc "Print a greeting for TARGET"
& header "hello - a test for optparse-applicative" )
The greet
function is the entry point of the program, while opts
is a
complete description of the program, used when generating a help text. The
combinator takes any parser, and adds a help
option to it (which
always fails).
The hello
option in this example is mandatory (since it doesn't have a
default value), so running the program without any argument will display the
help text:
hello - a test for optparse-applicative
Usage: hello --hello TARGET [--quiet]
Print a greeting for TARGET
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--hello TARGET Target for the greeting
--quiet Whether to be quiet
containing a short usage summary, and a detailed list of options with
Supported options
supports four kinds of options: regular options, flags,
arguments and commands.
Regular options
A regular option is an option which takes a single argument, parses it, and
returns a value.
A regular option can have a default value, which is used as the result if the
option is not found in the command line. An option without a default value is
considered mandatory, and produces an error when not found.
Regular options can have long names, or short (one-character) names,
which determine when the option matches and how the argument is extracted.
An option with a long name (say "output") is specified on the command line as
--output filename.txt
while a short name option (say "o") can be specified with
-o filename.txt
Options can have more than one name, usually one long and one short, although
you are free to create options with an arbitrary combination of long and short
Regular options returning strings are the most common, and they can be created
using the strOption
builder. For example,
( long "output"
& short 'o'
& metavar "FILE"
& help "Write output to FILE" )
creates a regular option with a string argument (which can be referred to as
in the help text and documentation), a long name "option" and a short
name "o". See below for more information on the builder syntax and modifiers.
A regular option can return an object of any type, provided you specify a
reader for it. A common reader is auto
, used by the option
which assumes a Read
instance for the return type and uses it to parse its
argument. For example:
lineCount :: Parser Int
lineCount = option
( long "lines"
& short 'n'
& metavar "K"
& help "Output the last K lines" )
specifies a regular option with an Int
argument. We added an explicit type
annotation here, since without it the parser would have been polymorphic in the
output type. There's usually no need to add type annotations, however, because
the type will be normally inferred from the context in which the parser is
You can also create a custom reader without using the Read
typeclass, and set
it as the reader for an option using the reader
modifier and the nullOption
data FluxCapacitor = ...
parseFluxCapacitor :: String -> Maybe FluxCapacitor
( long "flux-capacitor"
& reader parseFluxCapacitor )
A flag is just like a regular option, but it doesn't take any arguments: it is
either present in the command line or not.
A flag has a default value and an active value. If the flag is found on the
command line, the active value is returned, otherwise the default value is
used. For example:
data Verbosity = Normal | Verbose
flag Normal Verbose
( long "verbose"
& short 'v'
& help "Enable verbose mode"
is a flag parser returning a Verbosity
Simple boolean flags can be specified using the switch
builder, like so:
( long "keep-tmp-files"
& help "Retain all intermediate temporary files" )
An argument parser specifies a positional command line argument.
The argument
builder takes a reader parameter, and creates a parser which
will return the parsed value every time it is passed a command line argument
for which the reader succeeds. For example
argument str ( metavar "FILE" )
creates an argument accepting any string.
Arguments are only displayed in the brief help text, so there's no need to
attach a description to them. They should be manually documented in the program
A command can be used to specify a sub-parser to be used when a certain
string is encountered in the command line.
Commands are useful to implement command line programs with multiple functions,
each with its own set of options, and possibly some global options that apply
to all of them. Typical examples are version control systems like git
, or
build tools like cabal
A command can be created using the subparser
builder, and commands can be
added with the command
modifier. For example
( command "add" (info addOptions
( progDesc "Add a file to the repository" ))
& command "commit" (info commitOptions
( progDesc "Record changes to the repository" ))
Each command takes a full ParserInfo
structure, which will be used to extract
a description for this command when generating a help text.
Note that all the parsers appearing in a command need to have the same type.
For this reason, it is often best to use a sum type which has the same
structure as the command itself. For example, for the parser above, you would
define a type like:
data Options = Options
{ optGlobalOpt :: String
, optGlobalFlag :: Bool
, optCommand :: Command }
data Command
= Add AddOptions
| Commit CommitOptions
Alternatively, you can directly return an IO
action from a parser, and
execute it using join
from Control.Monad
start :: String -> IO ()
stop :: IO ()
opts :: Parser (IO ())
opts = subparser
( command "start" (info (start <$> argument str idm) idm)
& command "stop" (info (pure stop) idm) )
main :: IO ()
main = join $ execParser (info opts idm)
Option builders
Builders allow you to define parsers using a convenient combinator-based
syntax. Each builder takes a modifier as parameter, and returns a parser.
A modifier is a composition of functions which act on the option, setting
values for properties or adding features, and is used to build the option from
scratch and finally lift it to a single-option parser, which can then be
combined with other parsers using normal Applicative
Modifiers are instances of the Monoid
typeclass, so they can be combined
using the composition function mappend
, for which the
module provides a convenience alias (&)
Feel free to use mappend
or (<>)
, if you prefer. (&)
is mostly there for
backwards compatibility with the previous implementation.
See the haddock documentation for Options.Applicative.Builder
for a full list
of builders and modifiers.
Arrow interface
It is also possible to use the Arrow syntax to combine basic parsers.
This can be particularly useful when the structure holding parse results is
deeply nested, or when the order of fields differs from the order in which the
parsers should be applied.
Using functions from the Options.Applicative.Arrows
module, one can write,
for example:
data Options = Options
{ optArgs :: [String]
, optVerbose :: Bool }
opts :: Parser Options
opts = runA $ proc () -> do
verbosity <- asA (option (short 'v' & value 0)) -< ()
let verbose = verbosity > 0
args <- asA (arguments str idm) -< ()
returnA -< Options args verbose
where parsers are converted to arrows using asA
, and the resulting composed
arrow is converted back to a Parser
with runA
See tests/Examples/Cabal.hs
for a slightly more elaborate example using the
arrow syntax for defining parsers.
How it works
A Parser a
is essentially a heterogeneous list of Option
s, implemented with
existential types.
All options are therefore known statically (i.e. before parsing, not
necessarily before runtime), and can, for example, be traversed to generate a
help text.
See this blog post for a more detailed explanation based on a
simplified implementation.